Name Description User Modified Likes Views
VHDL - Basic OR GateSimple VHDL example of an OR gate design and testbench.Victor Lyuboslavsky2019/10/28 4:05pm222235494
RAMRandom Access Memory example and testbenchVictor Lyuboslavsky2019/10/28 4:05pm1125748
Minimum and Maximum Example# Minimum and Maximum Example In VHDL 2008 there are two built-in functions MAXIMUM and MINIMUM tha...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm424367
If Example# If Example An `if` statement is a sequential statement which executes one branch from a set of br...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm613554
VHDL Precision exampleHere is a simple example of running the Mentor Precision synthesizer. (Because of the way EDA Pla...Doulos Example2020/11/02 11:39am213376
Port Map Example# Port Map Example A port map is typically used to define the interconnection between instances in ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm211836
Direct and Component Instantiation Example# Direct and Component Instantiation Example VHDL-93 and later offers two methods of _instantiation...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm18762
Generic Package Example# Generic Package Example A package contains common definitions that can be shared across a VHDL de...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm08596
Array Example# Array Example A VHDL array is a data type which consists of a vector or a multi-dimensional set o...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm18534
For Loop Example# For Loop Example A foor loop is a sequential statement used to execute a set of sequential statem...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm28115
how to use with VHDLAn example file for each of the commercial simulators. In each case, code is necessary to sav...Doulos Example2020/11/02 2:49pm27693
Alias Example# Alias Example A VHDL alias lets you give an alternative name for almost anything. They are partic...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm07538
Generate Example# Generate Example A generate statement is a concurrent statement used to create regular structures...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm17039
TextIO Write Example# TextIO Write Example `TEXTIO` is a VHDL package which allows the reading and writing of ASCII tex...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm16474
External Name Example# External Name Example VHDL 2008 adds external names to allow hierarchical access to objects that ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm05807
TextIO Read Example# TextIO Read Example `TEXTIO` is a VHDL package which allows the reading and writing of ASCII text...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm05226
Signal Example# Signal Example A `signal` represents an electrical connection, wire or bus. Signals are used for ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm04927
OSVVM ExampleSimple example of functional coverage using CoveragePkg of OSVVMVictor Lyuboslavsky2019/10/28 4:05pm34849
Access Type Example# Access Type An *access type* is a data type which allows dynamic memory allocation, equivalent to...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm24655
Entity Example# Entity Example An Entity defines the interface to a hierarchical block. An entity is used in comb...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm14589
Generic Example# Generic Example Generics are used to parameterize a design entity. Different Instances of the sam...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm04500
Floating Example# Floating Example A data type representing an abstraction of a mathematical floating point number....Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm04321
Shared Variable and Protected Type Example# Shared Variable and Protected Type Example A `shared variable` is a `variable` that can be declar...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm04296
Assert Example# Assert Example An assert statement is a sequential or concurrent statement used to write out a me...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm14248
Procedure Example# Procedure Example A `procedure` is used to group together executable, sequential statements. A pr...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm04193
VHDL-2019 std.envThis example shows some of the new features of the std.env package. (The ones supported by Riviera P...Doulos Example2020/08/22 12:27pm03931
Wait Example# Wait Example A `wait` statement is a sequential statement which waits for an event on a signal in...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13891
Numeric Std Example# Numeric Std Example `NUMERIC_STD` is an IEEE standard package that defines arithmetic operations ...Doulos Example2017/06/23 2:38pm23858
While Loop Example# While Loop Example A `while loop` is a sequential statement. The statements inside the while loop...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13672
Architecture Example# Architecture Example A VHDL architecture defines the internal view of a block of hardware, i.e. t...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm03619
Process Example# Process Example One of the aims of an HDL is to express the function of the HW block in a more co...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13547
Configuration and Context Example# Configuration and Context Example ## Context (VHDL 2008) A context is used to define a set of li...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm03541
Aggregate Example# Aggregate Example An aggregate is a way to write a value for any array or record. An aggregate is...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13517
Case Example# Case Example A VHDL case statement is a sequential statement which conditionally executes one bra...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13178
Function Example# Function Example A function is used to group together executable, sequential statements to define...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm03137
File Example# File Example A file is a stream of values of a specified type which can be read or written during...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm13030
Block Example# Block Example A VHDL block statement is a concurrent statement used to group together concurrent ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm02498
VHDL 2008 Port Map Example# Port Map Example A port map is typically used to define the interconnection between instances in ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm02478
Package Example# Package Example A `package` contains common definitions that can be shared across a VHDL design o...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm12309
Generic Map Example# Generic Map Example Generic maps are used to define the values of generics. Usually given in an I...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm02294
Variable Example# Variable Example A variable stores a value within a process. A variable must be declared within t...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm12244
Record Example# Record Example A `record` type is a data type that represents a set of values of different types....Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm02135
Integer Example# Integer Example An INTEGER type represents a mathematical integer. The maximum values for the ran...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm02116
Loop Example# Loop Example A `loop` statement is a sequential statement used to execute a set of sequential sta...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm12074
Select Example# Select Example The `select` statement is a concurrent statement which assigns one of several expr...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm12055
Aldec HES-SynHESer demoHere is an example of using Aldec HES-SyntHESer. Here are some key points: 1. It looks for a tab ca...EDA Playground2024/12/23 3:23pm21919
VHDL-2019 private and alas in protected typesFrom the Aldec Riviera Pro 2020.04 release notes: [In VHDL-2019] Aliases and variables are allowe...Doulos Example2020/08/22 12:32pm01833
Configuration Specification Example# Configuration Specification Example A configuration specification defines which entity and archit...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm01821
User-Defined Attribute Example# User-Defined Attribute Example A user defined attribute is used to attach arbitrary information t...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm01812
Generic 2008 Example# VHDL-2008 Generic Example Generics are used to parameterize a design entity. Different Instances ...Doulos Example2019/10/28 4:06pm11807