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* ModelSim 10.1d not available.
// or browse Examples
// or browse Examples
`timescale 1ns/1ns
`include "slv_pci.v"
`include "slv_pci_shell.sv"
`include "pci_bus_if.sv"
//`include "test_uvm.sv"
//`timescale 1ns/1ns
// use parameter to allow changes by higher design module
parameter IO_Address = 32'h0000_0200;
parameter ADDRMASK = 32'hFFFF_FFF0; // remove A<3:0>
parameter IO_Read_CMD = 4'h2;
parameter IO_Write_CMD = 4'h3;
parameter AREG_WIDTH = 2; // 2 address bits for 4 data registers
parameter DREG_DEPTH = 4; // 4 data register
parameter WAIT_WIDTH = 3; // wait 2^3 -1 = 7
module test_uvm (interface.port_test bus);
integer wr_data;
integer rd_data;
integer address, data;
logic write;
initial begin
wr_data = 12;
single_reset ();
single_write_drv_uvm (.address (32'h0000_0204),.data (wr_data));
single_read_drv_uvm (.address (32'h0000_0204),.data (rd_data));
get_item_mon_uvm (.address (address), .write (write),.data (data));
if (address == 32'h0000_0204) $display ("Correct address\n");
else $display ("Incorrect address\n");
if (write == 1) $display ("Correct type\n");
else $display ("Incorrect type\n");
if (data == wr_data) $display ("Correct write data\n");
else $display ("Incorrect write data\n");
$display ("Expect data: time=%t address = %0h, write mode = %s, data = %d\n", $time, 32'h0000_0204, "true", wr_data);
$display ("Mon: time=%t address = %0h, write mode = %s, data = %d\n", $time, address, ((write) ? "true" : "false"), data);
get_item_mon_uvm (.address (address), .write (write),.data (data));
if (address == 32'h0000_0204) $display ("Correct address\n");
else $display ("Incorrect address\n");
if (write == 0) $display ("Correct type\n");
else $display ("Incorrect type\n");
if (data == wr_data) $display ("Correct write data\n");
else $display ("Incorrect write data\n");
$display ("Expect data: time=%t address = %0h, write mode = %s, data = %d\n", $time, 32'h0000_0204, "false", wr_data);
$display ("Mon: time=%t address = %0h, write mode = %s, data = %d\n", $time, address, ((write) ? "true" : "false"), data);
if (rd_data == wr_data)
$display ("Pass matched: wr_data = %d, rd_data = %d\n",wr_data, rd_data, wr_data);
$display ("Fail mismatched: wr_data = %d, rd_data = %d\n",wr_data, rd_data, wr_data);
#10 $finish;
// `include"single_reset.sv"
task single_reset;
//input integer address;
//output integer data;
// Comment: Test pass case for Single Read Cycle for all assertion checks
// Comment: PCI waveform signal changes at the falling clock edge.
// CLK :_/~\_/~\_/~\
// RSTn :________~~~~
// FRAMEn :~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ADm :< 0>< 0>< 0>
// OE_ADm :~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CBEn :< 0>< 0>< 0>
// IRDYn :~~~~~~~~~~~~
// TRDYn :~~~~~~~~~~~~
// DEVSELn :~~~~~~~~~~~~
// waitdelay :< 0>< 0>< 0>
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 0
bus.DRVCLK.RSTn <= 1'b0;
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
//ADm <= 32'h0000_0000;
//OE_ADm <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.waitdelay <= 4'h0;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 0
bus.DRVCLK.RSTn <= 1'b0;
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
//ADm <= 32'h0000_0000;
//OE_ADm <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.waitdelay <= 4'h0;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 0
bus.DRVCLK.RSTn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
//ADm <= 32'h0000_0000;
//OE_ADm <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.waitdelay <= 4'h0;
module testbench;
// signal declaration //
bit CLK;
// Module declaration //
pci_bus_if bus (CLK);
slv_pci_shell dut (bus.port_dut);
test_uvm test (bus.port_test);
// clock generation //
initial forever #(10/2) CLK = ~CLK;
//initial $dumpvars(0, testbench);
initial $dumpvars(0, testbench.bus);
initial $dumpvars(0, testbench.test);
initial $dumpvars(0, testbench.dut.dut);
// Code your design here
task get_item_mon_uvm(output integer address, output bit write, output integer data);
integer address1,address2,data1,data2;
bit write1,write2,status1,status2;
get_read_mon_uvm(address1,write1,data1, status1);
get_write_mon_uvm(address2,write2,data2, status2);
$display ("get time = %t\n", $time);
$display ("get address2 = %0h\n", address2);
$display ("get pci_write2 = %s\n", (write2) ? "true" : "false");
$display ("get data2 = %0d\n", data2);
$display ("get status2 = %0d\n", status2);
if (status1) begin
address = address1;
write = write1;
data = data1;
end else if (status2) begin
$display ("get status2 is true.\n");
address = address2;
write = write2;
data = data2;
end else begin
address = 0;
write = 0;
data = 0;
$display ("get address = %0h\n", address);
$display ("get pci_write = %s\n", (write) ? "true" : "false");
$display ("get data = %0d\n", data);
task get_read_mon_uvm (output integer address, output bit write, output integer data, output bit status);
// Comment: Test pass case for Single Write Cycle for all assertion checks
// Comment: PCI waveform signal changes at the falling clock edge.
// CLK :_/~\_/~\_/~\
// FRAMEn :____~~~~~~~~
// AD :< A>< 0>< D>
// CBEn :< C>< F>< F>
@(negedge bus.MONCLK.FRAMEn);
address = bus.MONCLK.AD;
if (bus.MONCLK.CBEn == IO_Read_CMD) begin
write = 0; // false
data = bus.MONCLK.AD;
status = 1'b1; // success
end else begin
status = 1'b0; // not success
$display ("read time = %t\n", $time);
$display ("read address = %0h\n", address);
$display ("read pci_write = %s\n", (write) ? "true" : "false");
$display ("read data = %0d\n", data);
$display ("read status = %0d\n", status);
task get_write_mon_uvm (output integer address, output bit write, output integer data, output bit status);
// Comment: Test pass case for Single Write Cycle for all assertion checks
// Comment: PCI waveform signal changes at the falling clock edge.
// CLK :_/~\_/~\
// FRAMEn :____~~~~
// AD :< A>< D>
// CBEn :< C>< F>
@(negedge bus.MONCLK.FRAMEn);
//@(bus.MONCLK); // removed for correct capture
address = bus.MONCLK.AD;
if (bus.MONCLK.CBEn == IO_Write_CMD) begin
//tran_type = PCI_WRITE;
write = 1; // true
data = bus.MONCLK.AD;
status = 1'b1; // success
end else begin
status = 1'b0; // not success
$display ("write time = %t\n", $time);
$display ("write address = %0h\n", address);
$display ("write pci_write = %s\n", (write) ? "true" : "false");
$display ("write data = %0d\n", data);
$display ("write status = %0d\n", status);
interface pci_bus_if (input bit CLK);
// use parameter to allow changes by higher design module
parameter IO_Address = 32'h0000_0200;
parameter ADDRMASK = 32'hFFFF_FFF0; // remove A<3:0>
parameter IO_Read_CMD = 4'h2;
parameter IO_Write_CMD = 4'h3;
parameter AREG_WIDTH = 2; // 2 address bits for 4 data registers
parameter DREG_DEPTH = 4; // 4 data register
parameter WAIT_WIDTH = 3; // wait 2^3 -1 = 7
logic RSTn;
logic FRAMEn;
wire [31:0] AD;
logic [ 3:0] CBEn;
logic IRDYn;
logic TRDYn;
logic DEVSELn;
logic [WAIT_WIDTH-1:0] waitdelay;
// DRVCLK is for driving output signal changes at negative clock edge
clocking DRVCLK @(negedge CLK);
input TRDYn, DEVSELn;
output RSTn, FRAMEn, CBEn, IRDYn, waitdelay;
inout AD;
// DRVCLK_IN is for detecting input signals at positive clock edge
// allowing single clock operation
clocking DRVCLK_IN @(posedge CLK);
input TRDYn, DEVSELn;
clocking MONCLK @(negedge CLK);
input TRDYn, DEVSELn;
input RSTn, FRAMEn, CBEn, IRDYn, waitdelay;
input AD;
modport port_dut (
input CLK,
input RSTn,
input FRAMEn,
inout AD,
input CBEn,
input IRDYn,
output TRDYn,
output DEVSELn,
input waitdelay);
modport port_test (clocking DRVCLK, clocking MONCLK);
// 12-15 version
task single_read_drv_uvm;
input integer address;
output integer data;
// Comment: Test pass case for Single Read Cycle for all assertion checks
// Comment: PCI waveform signal changes at the falling clock edge.
// CLK :_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\
// FRAMEn :~~~~____~~~~~~~~~~~~
// AD :< 0>< A>< z>< z>< D>
// CBEn :< 0>< C>< F>< F>< 0>
// IRDYn :~~~~~~~~________~~~~
// TRDYn :~~~~~~~~~~~~____~~~~
// DEVSELn :~~~~~~~~________~~~~
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 0
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 1
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b0;
//bus.DRVCLK.AD <= req.address + IO_Address;
//bus.DRVCLK.AD <= address + IO_Address;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= address;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= IO_Read_CMD;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 2
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 'hz;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'hF;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b0;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 3
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 'hz;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'hF;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b0;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 4
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
//req.data = bus.DRVCLK.AD;
data = bus.DRVCLK.AD;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
// 12-15 version
task single_write_drv_uvm;
input integer address;
input integer data;
// Comment: Test pass case for Single Write Cycle for all assertion checks
// Comment: PCI waveform signal changes at the falling clock edge.
// CLK :_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\
// FRAMEn :~~~~____~~~~~~~~
// AD :< 0>< A>< D>< 0>
// CBEn :< 0>< C>< F>< 0>
// IRDYn :~~~~~~~~____~~~~
// TRDYn :~~~~~~~~____~~~~
// DEVSELn :~~~~~~~~____~~~~
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 0
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 1
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b0;
//bus.DRVCLK.AD <= req.address + IO_Address;
//bus.DRVCLK.AD <= address + IO_Address;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= address;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= IO_Write_CMD;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 2
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
//bus.DRVCLK.AD <= req.data;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= data;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'hF;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b0;
@(bus.DRVCLK); // Cycle 3
bus.DRVCLK.FRAMEn <= 1'b1;
bus.DRVCLK.AD <= 32'h0000_0000;
bus.DRVCLK.CBEn <= 4'h0;
bus.DRVCLK.IRDYn <= 1'b1;
module slv_pci_shell (interface.port_dut bus);
slv_pci dut (
.CLK (bus.CLK),
.RSTn (bus.RSTn),
.FRAMEn (bus.FRAMEn),
.AD (bus.AD),
.CBEn (bus.CBEn),
.IRDYn (bus.IRDYn),
.TRDYn (bus.TRDYn),
.waitdelay (bus.waitdelay)
// //
// File name: slv.pci.v //
// Author : Michael Li //
// Date : 10/10/2014 //
// Description : Implementation of PCI slave device for these features //
// //
// 1. single cycle or burst (multiple cycles) operations. //
// 2. support for read (02h) and write (03h) commands //
// 3. support to handle wait from master. //
// 4. programmable slave wait duration. //
// 5. random address access within the valid address range. //
// 6. auto addresss increment in burst read or write //
// //
// //
// rev 1c : add check for master delay wait insertion (IRDYn==1)
// rev 1d : use enum type for state type variables in FSM
// add wait state to inject TRDY wait states.
// rev 1e : testing
// rev 1f : fix read data out needs to wait for TRDYn low.
// rev 1g : change DEVSELn to register to eliminate glitch issue
// (10/10/15 ML) rev 1h : allow start address to be 200,204,208,20c
// add time scale for this module. //
// rev 1j : optimized register size (waitdelay, address) //
// //
`timescale 1ns/1ns
`define WDELAY 1 // mininum number is 1
typedef enum {ST_IDLE, ST_TURNAROUND, ST_WAIT, ST_DATA, ST_END} state_t;
module slv_pci (CLK,RSTn,FRAMEn,AD,CBEn,IRDYn,TRDYn,DEVSELn,waitdelay);
// use parameter to allow changes by higher design module
parameter IO_Address = 32'h0000_0200;
parameter ADDRMASK = 32'hFFFF_FFF0; // remove A<3:0>
parameter IO_Read_CMD = 4'h2;
parameter IO_Write_CMD = 4'h3;
input CLK; // clock (system)
input RSTn; // reset (master)
input FRAMEn; // frame to start new transaction (master)
inout [31:0] AD; // address/data bus (master or slave)
//input [31:0] AD; // address/data bus (master or slave)
input [3:0] CBEn; // command or Byte enable (master)
input IRDYn; // Initiator (master) ready
output TRDYn; // Target (slave) ready
output DEVSELn; // Device select (slave)
reg DEVSELn; // make a register for it
// Local varaiables //
parameter AREG_WIDTH = 2; // 2 address bits for 4 data registers
parameter DREG_DEPTH = 4; // 4 data register
parameter WAIT_WIDTH = 3; // wait 2^3 -1 = 7
input[WAIT_WIDTH-1:0] waitdelay; // wait delay (up to 7 delay)
state_t current_state, next_state; // Finite State machine state
reg [AREG_WIDTH-1:0] address; // address register
reg rnw_mode; // read not write mode register
reg dev_oe; // enable to drive AD bus during read
wire [31:0] data_out; // output of data mux
reg [31:0] data [DREG_DEPTH-1:0]; // Data registers
reg [WAIT_WIDTH-1:0] waitcount; // wait state duration in clock cycles
reg waiten; // Wait enable
wire addrmatch; // valid address match
wire wrcmdmatch;
wire rdcmdmatch;
// local compare logic //
assign addrmatch = ((AD & ADDRMASK) == IO_Address);
assign wrcmdmatch = addrmatch & CBEn == IO_Write_CMD;
assign rdcmdmatch = addrmatch & CBEn == IO_Read_CMD;
// Register Sets //
// wait enable bit register
//always @ (negedge RSTn) begin
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
//if (!RSTn)
waiten <= (waitdelay > 0);
// address register
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
address <= 0;
else if (current_state == ST_IDLE)
address <= AD[2+AREG_WIDTH-1:2];
else if (current_state == ST_DATA && ~IRDYn && ~TRDYn) // data transfer condition
address <= address + 1;
// data register (for write mode)
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn) begin
data[0] <= 0;
data[1] <= 0;
data[2] <= 0;
data[3] <= 0;
end else if (current_state == ST_DATA && rnw_mode == 0 && ~IRDYn && ~TRDYn) // data transfer condition
data[address] <= AD;
// read/write mode bit register
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
rnw_mode <= 1'b1;
else if (~FRAMEn && wrcmdmatch)
rnw_mode <= 0;
else if (~FRAMEn && rdcmdmatch)
rnw_mode <= 1'b1;
// device output enable register (for read mode)
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
dev_oe <= 1'b0;
else if (current_state == ST_IDLE)
dev_oe <= 1'b0;
else if (current_state == ST_TURNAROUND)
dev_oe <= 1'b1;
// device output enable register (for read mode)
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
waitcount <= 'h1;
else if (current_state != ST_WAIT)
waitcount <= 'h1;
else if (waiten == 1'b1 && waitcount < waitdelay)
waitcount <= waitcount + 1;
// device selection output register
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
DEVSELn <= 1'b1;
else if (~FRAMEn && (wrcmdmatch || rdcmdmatch)) // address/command
DEVSELn <= 1'b0;
else if (~IRDYn && ~TRDYn & FRAMEn) // last data transfer
DEVSELn <= 1'b1;
// FSM //
// sequential logic only
always @ (negedge CLK or negedge RSTn) begin
if (!RSTn)
current_state <= ST_IDLE;
current_state <= next_state;
// combination logic only
always @(*) begin
case (current_state)
ST_IDLE : begin
if (~FRAMEn && wrcmdmatch && waiten == 1)
next_state <= ST_WAIT;
else if (~FRAMEn && wrcmdmatch && waiten == 0)
next_state <= ST_DATA;
else if (~FRAMEn && rdcmdmatch)
next_state <= ST_TURNAROUND;
next_state <= ST_IDLE; // for initialization
if (waiten)
next_state <= ST_WAIT;
next_state <= ST_DATA;
ST_WAIT : begin
if (waitcount == waitdelay)
next_state <= ST_DATA;
next_state <= ST_WAIT; // need to specify all condition for comblogic
ST_DATA : begin
if (~IRDYn && ~TRDYn & FRAMEn)
next_state <= ST_END;
else if (~IRDYn && ~TRDYn & ~FRAMEn && waiten == 1)
next_state <= ST_WAIT;
else if (~IRDYn && ~TRDYn & ~FRAMEn && waiten == 0)
next_state <= ST_DATA;
next_state <= ST_DATA;
ST_END : begin
if (IRDYn && TRDYn && FRAMEn)
next_state <= ST_IDLE;
next_state <= ST_END;
//assign DEVSELn = !(current_state == ST_DATA || current_state == ST_WAIT || current_state == ST_TURNAROUND ) // glitch problem
assign TRDYn = !(current_state == ST_DATA);
assign data_out = (current_state == ST_DATA) ? data[address] : 'hx; // delay data out
assign AD = (dev_oe & ~DEVSELn) ? data_out : 'hz ;
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